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If your company sells products,
chances are you have spent a tremendous amount of time
developing your product, perfecting your design, sourcing materials, reviewing color options, talking to suppliers, reviewing samples, going through iterations, and the list goes on and on.

BUT ….

All that hard work typically comes down to a couple of product images.

In today’s competitive environment, a few images aren’t enough to turn a casual viewer into a buyer.

By creating a product video, you are allowing the product to come to life.

You are showing people, with moving visuals, illustrating the product’s core features and showing them what their life will look like when they buy your product.

Why Do You Need a Product Video?

If you have a product, a video is one of the most effective ways to help in the sales process. Without it, you’re simply relying on a few images to do all the selling.

A product video can help bring the product to life by showing what it does, how it works, and the impact it’s had on people’s lives.

Let’s take a look at the difference between an image and product video.

Ok – here is the product image that’s on the page. Great design, good information and the product page provides some excellent information.

However – let’s take a look at a product video.

Now how do you feel about the product?

What a massive difference from a standard product image, right?

See how the combination of visuals, testimonials, animation and story help educate you and other buyers on identifying their challenge sleeping and what their life will look like when they buy it?

Where Can I Place My Product Video?

A product video should be leveraged in every possible way on the internet.

It should be used on social media platforms, your landing pages, running ads to it, putting it up on Youtube.

If you’re selling your product through distributors, it’s important to have the video on their product pages as well.

Effectively placing your product video can be incredibly powerful to increase your sales and conversions.

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Some title for relevant video Goes Here here

Book a Free Strategy Session

We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

Here's how we do it

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Free Strategy Session

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Produce Your Video

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Achieve Your Goal

So, schedule your free strategy session now. Don’t let the fear of a complicated process stop you from telling your incredible story to the world.