Mosaic Media Films

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Videos are one of the most popular formats for posting content. According to Statista, online videos had an average audience reach of almost 92% among users worldwide. With such a high number, it’s safe to say that videos are an excellent method to get your brand known, especially in today’s competitive market.

Which video should you create, though? There are many different types to consider, including tutorials, viral videos, educational videos, review videos, and more.

Unfortunately, you can’t simply create any video and call it a day. You must research, find your target audience, and create video content that correctly tells your brand story. If you make the right moves, your brand can skyrocket like never before!

We want to help you create high-impact brand videos, so if you want to learn more about creating the perfect piece for your audience, keep reading!

What Makes a Brand Video Different?

Screenshot 78 Mosaic Media FilmsA branding video helps you introduce your brand to the world. These videos aim to build awareness among your target audience and hopefully attract new customers.

Branding videos also do a great job of telling your story. With so much competition, you must tell a unique and compelling story that brings people to your brand.

There’s a lot of focus on “humanizing” brands in today’s digital world. People crave social interactions and are no longer interested in brands that seem soulless or dull. A good branding video, however, can humanize your brand, give it a personality, and make it more appealing to potential clients.

Creating compelling brand videos is an excellent benefit because they provide value in different areas. Whether you want to get more email subscribers or website visitors, a brand video can give the perfect first impression.

Most online users are more visual, so it’s no surprise that the video format is more engaging. It lets people digest more information in a shorter period. A brand awareness video can tell a person everything they should know about your brand in less than a minute!

Brand awareness videos are also a powerful weapon against the competition. You can use this strategy to tell people why your brand is different, better, or more convenient than the others.

To summarize, a successful marketing video is something you can use to tell people what they can expect from your brand and its products or services. It’s one of the most effective ways to build awareness and get more sales when done right.

Do You Need to Include Branded Videos in Your Video Marketing Strategy?

Your video marketing strategy can have a bunch of different options. While you don’t have to create a brand video, it can help you give your business that extra boost it needs to succeed.

A lot of brands today focus on self-promoting all the time. Even though that may work to some extent, people often get tired of companies that only sell and don’t offer anything else.

Brand videos, however, are a more subtle approach to promoting your business. Their goal is to cause an emotional reaction in your target audience that encourages them to take action.

Since you’re not promoting yourself directly in these videos, people are likelier to watch all the content to discover what you have to say. If you don’t do it right, you risk people scrolling to watch something else.

Your video marketing plan can have many options to promote your brand. If you want to make your brand more appealing, your strategy can’t ignore the power of a great brand video.

How Do You Create a High-Quality Brand Video?

There are steps to follow to create the perfect video project. If you follow this guide correctly, you’ll end up with a powerful content piece showing what makes your brand unique.

#1 – Discover Your Target Audience

The first step in any marketing strategy is knowing who your audience is. Your “target” is the ideal customer to whom you want to sell your idea.

There are many ways to tell what your target is. You won’t connect with anyone if you don’t know who your video wants to address.

#2 – Plan Your Video

Never create a video without a plan. Your content should have a goal to meet if you want it to be successful.

Some of the factors you must consider when planning your video include:

  • Type of video
  • Competitors
  • Short- and long-term goals
  • Budget
  • Content calendar

If you don’t have the resources to plan your brand videos, you can ask a professional for help. These people can make the most of your budget and create something that meets all your criteria.

#3 – Tell Unique Stories

You must remember that your competition is likely working on releasing brand videos, too (if they haven’t already). Your story must be unique, engaging, and emotional. Your target will get bored if you do the same as everyone else.

There are a lot of creative ways to tell your story. Creating a compelling story will not only cause enough of an impression on people, but they will also be more likely to share the content with friends and family, giving you a much broader reach.

#4 – Give a Voice to Your Brand

Make sure your video matches your brand’s personality. If your brand is known for being funny, for example, you shouldn’t release a brand video with a formal tone; people will get confused.

Not giving a proper voice to your brand will hurt your awareness and loyalty levels. Remember to be consistent.

#5 – Use Your Brand’s Visual Elements

The content will make your brand video successful, but you can’t forget to connect your piece with your business. Feel free to include your brand’s color, theme, logo, or slogan in the video. You’re good to go as long as the elements don’t distract users from the video.

#6 – Consider Your Budget

Setting a realistic budget is one of the most important aspects of any project. Even though everyone would like to go overboard and create a cinematic experience with their videos, this content format tends to be expensive.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to spend all your savings to get the right brand video. You’ll still get excellent results if you use the tools at your disposal to their maximum potential.

You can talk to a professional to make the most out of your budget.

#7 – Don’t Be Afraid to Use Social Media

Austin Video Production Longview Mosaic Media Films 1 Mosaic Media FilmsSocial media is currently one of the most powerful tools to showcase your brand. According to DataReportal, about 60% of the world’s population uses social media. That’s more than half of the world!

You can expect that number to keep growing, so if you haven’t tried social media before, this is your chance. It’s always good to remember that even if you’re not doing it, your competition probably is.

There’s no doubt that social media does a great job at reaching potential customers, so make sure to create compelling brand awareness videos that connect with your audience in these places.

Keep in mind that social media works slightly differently from a regular website. In these platforms, where information moves much faster, you must focus on short-format videos. If your video is too long, it won’t perform well unless it’s highly engaging.

What Are the Most Popular Types of Brand Videos Today?

The greatest thing about creating your brand video is that there are several options to choose from. If you’re willing, you can take many of the brand video examples we’ll show below and create the perfect strategy for your brand!

We’ll separate the different types of brand videos into four categories to make things easier:

  • Company Videos

  • Product Videos

  • Experience Videos

  • Customer Videos

Company Videos

These videos talk about the company rather than its products or services. Here’s where you can humanize your brand and make it stand out among the rest of the competition.

Brand Profile

Some companies work with many brands, so making each stand out is crucial. Thanks to brand profile videos, you can successfully tell the story of each “part” of your company. This allows you to help your audience decide which brand to go for.

Company Story

Company story videos should be the staple of every social media or website profile. This video introduces your brand to every visitor, so here’s where you can demonstrate why your company is unique.

The right content piece will make your audience more interested in what you have to say, which translates to potential new sales.

Product Videos

As opposed to company videos, product content focuses on what you offer. You need product videos to help people decide the best option for them.

Product Showcase

The video introduces a new product or service to your audience. You can tell people what the product is and why it benefits them. These videos tend to be more descriptive about the item itself.

Explainer Videos

An explainer video is perfect for those who want to show the potential of a product. Even though some products are self-explanatory, others (like computers) may not be as easy to understand.

In these explainer videos, you’ll explain how your product can be used to improve the customer’s experience.


Tutorials are the more “technical” videos in this category. Here, you’ll explain how to use the product to your audience.

You should consider doing a tutorial video if your product is too complicated. The right video will build loyalty among your customers and also reduce the volume of “customer support” requests you receive.

Experience Videos

Experience videos show what it feels like to be involved with your brand. These more “human” videos can cause a bigger emotional reaction in your audience.

Behind the Scenes

You can showcase how your business works every day. Here, you’ll record a normal day at the office so that people can glimpse what happens “behind the scenes.” BTS videos are perfect if you’re looking to humanize your brand and recruit more people.


Does your company take part in events? Make a video about the experience!

Event videos tend to be more organic/natural, showing your audience how exciting it can be to spend time with your brand and its team.

Customer Videos

Customer videos can be a powerful tool for getting new clients. Thanks to these videos, you can showcase your customers and how your product or service benefits them.


You can get a team representative to sit down with customers and ask them questions about their experience and the brand itself. Most of the time, you’ll get a long video to share with your public.

Even better, you can extract different sections of the interview and publish them separately as short-form content.

Case Studies

In a case study, you can take a specific factor about your brand and make a video about it. Similarly to interviews, you can take several customers and get them to talk about the benefits of your brand in that specific area.

Make sure to include statistics and relevant numbers to prove your points.


A testimonial video involves a customer discussing their experience with your product or brand. This is the simplest form of customer video, and it works excellently as short-form content for TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and other similar platforms.

Which Brand Video Should You Choose to Reach Your Target Audience?

Screenshot 82 Mosaic Media FilmsThere’s no “best” video type in this context. You must go for the option that feels more appropriate at the moment.

If you’re unsure of how you can make your video instantly pop, talk to a professional. They can evaluate the current state of your brand and tell you what you need to make it succeed through a compelling video.

Sometimes, for example, the brand doesn’t have any presence online. In these cases, a brand story or company culture video could help the business start. On the other hand, brands with more presence could consider case studies, behind-the-scenes videos, etc.

Where Do You Publish Brand Videos?

It depends on what your goal is. Most of the time, people post their videos on their websites or social media profiles. You can even use both!

Social media is more likely to give you the ROI you’re looking for. Some excellent platforms where you can post long-form content include YouTube, Vimeo, or Facebook. On the other hand, if you’re going for short-form content, you can post it on platforms like TikTok or Instagram.

What Are the Benefits of Creating Video Content for Your Brand?

These are the top benefits of creating a brand video:

  • More brand awareness
  • More social shares
  • Better SEO ranking
  • Boosted sales and conversions
  • Better communication with target clients
  • Higher chance of reaching mobile users
  • Excellent ROI

Are There Any Disadvantages of Creating Branded Videos?

Creating a brand video isn’t as easy as you may think, and it could take a considerable investment to get it done. Here are the potential cons or risks of branded videos:

  • The video can be expensive.
  • You must dedicate a lot of time to the project.
  • It’s easy to create the wrong video.

You can solve all of those problems by working with a professional. As mentioned previously, an expert can help you take your budget (regardless of what it is) and create a compelling content piece that shows the power of your brand.

You don’t have to worry about making mistakes when you work with a professional. Since that person will dedicate to your video project, you can shift your focus to other areas of your business that may need your attention.

When Do You Need to Create Brand Videos?

It’s always a great time to create a brand video! There are a few signs that indicate you can benefit from one of these projects:

  • You’re starting to grow a presence online.
  • People don’t know anything about your brand or what it does.
  • You want to humanize your brand.
  • There are no videos in your brand’s portfolio.

Do You Need to Hire a Professional to Get an Effective Brand Video?

Making branding videos can become more challenging as the idea starts to develop. If you don’t want to waste time and other resources, your best option is to call an expert media team.

The right video production company will avoid the “basic” business videos that inexperienced people do and instead focus on what will connect with your audience.

Everyone wants their business to grow, and a professional can get you there more efficiently.

Trying to do everything yourself can result in rushed videos that feel “more of the same.” Your video shouldn’t just be able to get viewers and turn them into buyers. A video production team can make that happen.

Bottom Line – Get Started Today

Are you eager to create a brand video that showcases your business in the best way? Follow all the tips mentioned here, and you’ll be on your way to creating a successful project that will drive you to success.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. The team at Mosaic Media Films specializes in many different categories of videos that will complement your marketing strategy.

Ask for a free consult today, and make your brand more popular online!

Frequently Asked Questions

A brand message video tells your brand’s story to your target audience. Its goal is to convince those people that your brand is unique and worth considering.

Depending on the approach of your video, it can show your brand’s core values, story, mission, vision, and more. A brand video can help you create awareness and build trust when done right.

You must think about who you want to show your brand video to. Then, you must choose the type of video you want to create. The content must align with your brand’s core values, so this is your chance to show what you offer and what makes you different.

People online are more visual, so you must create a high-quality video piece encouraging users to keep watching. It helps to get professional video gear and hire someone with experience to create what you want.

If you don’t have the time or resources to create a brand video yourself, consider calling a professional. These people know the best way to showcase your brand, depending on what you’re looking for. Also, they’ll help you create unique content that differentiates your brand from the rest.

A brand video demonstrates how your business is worth people’s time. Even if you already have an online presence, the best thing you can do to improve your chances of success is to create a brand video that tells your target user why they should go with you instead of someone else.

The right strategy, like more awareness and loyalty, better online presence, and potential new sales, can benefit you.

Here's how we do it

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Free Strategy Session

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Produce Your Video

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Achieve Your Goal

So, schedule your free strategy session now. Don’t let the fear of a complicated process stop you from telling your incredible story to the world.

mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.