Mosaic Media Films

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“The Customer is Always Right”

There’s this age-old saying in the retail and service industry that can never be overlooked. It indicates the fact that customer opinions are vital for your business and what they feel and talk about your brand can make or break your reputation!
Many brands just focus on attaining new customers and increasing sales. With this notion in mind, they overlook or forget the happy customers that have purchased from them. They do not care about providing good after-sales service and usually lose out on the old customers.
And, if you follow the same approach, it’s about time you realize what you’re losing out on! Satisfied and happy customers are one of the most vital marketing resources at your perusal.
Wondering about how to put them to work? Testimonial Videos are the answer!

Testimonial Videos put forth your happy customers as your temporary endorsers. Depending upon what product or service you wish to highlight, the customers will describe how your product/service or brand added value to their lives, how it solved their problems and what was their overall experience interacting with your brand.
So, the next question that arises is…

Customer Testimonials possess the power of creating a big impact. When placed at the right place for the right audience, they can have a big impact on brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately on sales. But why is this so?
Customer Testimonials play on the concept of ‘Social Proof’. It corresponds to the idea that we are largely influenced by the actions and opinions of others.
If you feel that you are not influenced by other people’s opinions, think of when was the last time you bought something from Amazon without checking the customer reviews or when you saw a crowded restaurant, you didn’t make a mental note of visiting this restaurant. Whether it is truly deserving or not, other people backing up a brand creates a positive image of the brand.
The thought that why testimonial videos are more impactful than someone from your team endorsing your brand may strike your mind the answer to which is very simple: We trust our peer group more than the people who are directly involved in the brand’s stake. The general public promoting your brand is more authentic than your CEO doing the same.
It may seem like putting a burden on the customers but it also places the impression that you care for them and that what they think and feel about your brand is equally important. It is a symbol of regard that you place your brand’s reputation in their hands. But make sure that you do not offer any incentive to them for doing so as this will result in biased opinions.
When shortlisting customers to participate, try to have various perspectives and include people from different backgrounds, demographics, and industries. In 2015, Google discovered that people prefer videos from ‘People like Me’ which backs the importance of having diverse opinions.

While starting on the testimonial video, the first point is what do you want it to look like? Would you like to employ one or more customers per video? Would you want the tone of the video to be serious or playful?
It is your decision as to how long you want your video to be but we recommend keeping it between 30-90 seconds to ensure that it is neither too lengthy and boring nor too short or incomplete.
After deciding on the above points, now is the time to decide the points you would want to include in the video. Without prompting specific points, you can prepare your customers on the following points:
What made you find us better than our competitors? Why did you choose us?
What solution did our product or service bring to you to solve a problem you were previously facing?
Can you brief me about your purchase experience?
How do you feel while using our product or service?
What impact has our product or service had on your life?

Apart from these prompts, let your customers speak from their hearts. This not only will bring authenticity to your video but also educate you on the true opinions and experiences of your customers. This will help you learn about your strengths and weaknesses and work upon them.

One benefit of testimonial video is that it can be placed anywhere. The most common place to post it is on your website or social media page but you can also play it on screen in your stores or include them in your emailers to reap the maximum benefit.
Testimonial videos are extremely effective in influencing customer’s buying decisions. During the consideration phase, it helps the customer make the final choice. While planning on the marketing strategy, analyze your “consideration” phase.

Ultimately, testimonials assist connect your existing customers with your potential customers and help divert their buying decision in your favor.
Now that you know everything about testimonial videos, it is about time you go on with it!

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We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.