Mosaic Media Films

BLog 11 Things You Can Follow If Your Priorities Include Video Marketing jpeg Mosaic Media Films

Video email marketing often plays an understated role in the vast arena of digital strategies, overshadowed by the giants of social media and SEO. Yet, it carves out its unique niche with unparalleled engagement and conversion capabilities. This distinctive approach sets it apart in the crowded world of digital marketing, offering a compelling experience that distinguishes video email marketing as a strategy in its own right.

Key moments for integrating videos include product launches, customer testimonials, event invitations, and educational content, each known for their distinct impact on the audience. Video GIFs also stand out, offering a quick, silent preview that can intrigue and engage viewers. Each integration moment presents its own set of advantages, strategies, technical considerations, and best practices.

The following sections will explore these elements in detail, providing a richer understanding of how video email marketing can become a powerful tool for captivating audiences and driving meaningful conversions.

What is video email marketing?

guide jpg Mosaic Media FilmsVideo email marketing is a dynamic strategy that involves incorporating videos into email campaigns to enhance engagement, convey messages more effectively, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates. This approach leverages the power of visual storytelling, making it easier for brands to connect with their audience on a more personal and impactful level. By embedding videos directly into emails, using video thumbnails linked to external sites, or integrating video GIFs for a quick preview, marketers can significantly boost the value and appeal of their email content.

This method not only captures the recipient’s attention quickly but also provides a richer, more engaging user experience.

Why integrate videos into email marketing?

Integrating videos into email marketing is a strategic move that increases engagement by capturing attention quickly, boosts conversion rates through visual storytelling, and enhances email content value with dynamic elements. Videos offer a compelling way to showcase products, share customer testimonials, and invite people to events, making complex ideas easier to understand. This integration not only enriches the email experience but also encourages recipients to spend more time interacting with the content, leading to higher engagement levels and more effective communication.

Increases engagement by capturing attention quickly

Embedding videos in emails grabs the viewer’s attention immediately, making them more likely to engage with the content. This quick capture of interest significantly increases the chances of the message being received and acted upon. For instance, a study by HubSpot found that including a video in an email can lead to a 200-300% increase in click-through rates.

Boosts conversion rates through visual storytelling

Videos have the ability to convey stories in a way that cannot be achieved through the use of text or images alone. By using visual storytelling, marketers can convey their messages more effectively, leading to higher conversion rates as viewers feel a stronger connection to the brand and its offerings. According to Forrester Research, including video in an email can boost conversion rates by up to 50%.

Enhances email content value with dynamic elements

Dynamic elements like videos add considerable value to email content, making it more interactive and enjoyable. This not only improves the user experience but also sets the email apart from the typical, text-heavy messages, further encouraging engagement and interaction. Campaign Monitor reports that emails that include videos see an increase in engagement rates by up to 65%.

Integrating video into email marketing not only captivates the audience but also transforms the email from a simple message into an engaging and interactive experience. With concrete statistics and case studies to back up these claims, it’s clear that video is a powerful tool in the arsenal of email marketing strategies.

When should you integrate videos into your email marketing strategy?

brand story 1 Mosaic Media FilmsIntegrating videos into your email marketing strategy is most impactful at key moments such as product launches, customer testimonials, event invitations, and when explaining complex ideas. During product launches, videos can vividly showcase features and benefits, making the product more appealing. Customer testimonials captured in video build trust by providing real-life examples of satisfaction.

For event invitations, videos create a sense of excitement and anticipation, increasing the likelihood of attendance. Lastly, videos are invaluable for breaking down complex ideas into digestible, easy-to-understand content, enhancing the educational value of your emails. Each of these moments leverages the video’s unique ability to convey messages more effectively, driving engagement and conversion.

Product launches to showcase features

Using videos during product launches helps showcase the product’s features and benefits dynamically and engagingly. This visual representation allows potential customers to see the product in action, making it easier for them to understand its value. For example, Apple’s product launch videos have become iconic, combining sleek visuals with detailed product explanations that generate buzz and anticipation.

Customer testimonials to build trust

Incorporating customer testimonials in video format into emails adds a layer of authenticity and trust. Seeing and hearing real customers share their positive experiences can significantly influence potential buyers’ decisions. Airbnb leverages customer testimonial videos effectively, showcasing real stories from hosts and travelers that highlight the unique experiences offered through their service.

Event invitations to increase attendance

Videos for event invitations can generate excitement and anticipation, providing a sneak peek of what attendees can expect. This approach can significantly boost attendance rates by engaging potential attendees more compellingly. An example includes TEDx events, which often use videos featuring highlights from past events or teasers of what’s to come to increase sign-ups.

Educational content to explain complex ideas

Videos can be invaluable tools when explaining complex ideas or concepts. They can break down complicated information into digestible, easy-to-understand pieces, making the learning process more accessible and enjoyable for the audience. Khan Academy is a prime example, utilizing educational videos to simplify a wide range of subjects for students worldwide.

By integrating videos at these strategic moments, marketers can significantly enhance the impact of their email campaigns, creating more engaging and memorable experiences for their audience.

How do you integrate videos into your emails?

Integrating videos into emails can be achieved through several methods, each with its own set of advantages. Embedding videos directly allows for immediate play within the email, offering a seamless viewing experience. Alternatively, using a video thumbnail linked to an external site can bypass email client limitations, directing viewers to a full-screen video on a landing page.

Another effective approach is including video GIFs for quick, silent previews that entice viewers to click through for the full video. Each method enhances the email’s appeal, making the content more engaging and interactive for the recipient.

Embedding videos directly for immediate play

  1. Choose a video hosting platform: To ensure smooth playback, upload your video to a platform like YouTube or Vimeo.
  2. Use the ‘Embed’ option: On your chosen platform, find the ‘Embed’ option for your video, which will provide you with an HTML code.
  3. Insert the HTML code into your email template: Place the embed code in the HTML section of your email template where you want the video to appear.
  4. Test the email: Send a test email to yourself and others to ensure the video plays correctly across different email clients and devices.

Common Pitfalls: Not all email clients support direct video playback, which may lead to your video not being viewable by all recipients. To mitigate this, always include a fallback image or a link to the video hosted online.

Using a video thumbnail with a link to an external site

  1. Create a captivating thumbnail: Use a tool like Canva or Photoshop to create an engaging image for your video.
  2. Add a play button overlay: To make it clear that it’s a video, add a play button icon over the center of your thumbnail.
  3. Link the thumbnail to your video: Hyperlink your image to the video hosted on a platform like YouTube, Vimeo, or your website.
  4. Insert the linked thumbnail into your email: Place the hyperlinked thumbnail in your email where you want the video to be featured.

Common Pitfalls: Ensure the link opens in a new tab to prevent taking your audience away from their email prematurely. Also, make sure the landing page is optimized for video playback.

Including video GIFs for quick, silent previews

  1. Create a GIF from your video: Use a tool like Giphy or Photoshop to create a short, looping GIF from your video.
  2. Keep it short and sweet: Aim for a GIF that’s a few seconds long to capture attention without being too large in file size.
  3. Link the GIF to the full video: Hyperlink your GIF to the full video hosted on your website or a video platform.
  4. Embed the GIF in your email: Place the hyperlinked GIF in your email template where you want the video preview to appear.

Common Pitfalls: Large GIFs can increase email loading times, potentially affecting user experience. Optimize your GIFs for a balance between quality and file size. Also, ensure the GIF gives a clear indication of what viewers can expect from the full video.

Best practices for video email marketing

Screen Shot 2023 03 21 at 8.30.45 AM scaled jpg Mosaic Media FilmsAdhering to best practices is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of video email marketing. Keeping videos short and engaging ensures that messages are conveyed within a span that maintains the viewer’s attention, ideally under 2 minutes. Optimizing for mobile viewing is essential, as a significant portion of emails are opened on mobile devices, necessitating responsive design for optimal viewing experiences.

Including a clear call-to-action (CTA) guides viewers on the next steps, whether it’s visiting a website, signing up for a service, or making a purchase. Finally, testing and analyzing video performance is key to understanding what resonates with your audience and making necessary adjustments for continuous improvement. These practices collectively enhance the impact of video email marketing campaigns, driving higher engagement and conversion rates.

Keep videos short and engaging under 2 minutes.

Creating short and engaging videos, ideally under 2 minutes, ensures that your message is conveyed quickly and effectively. This length is optimal for keeping the viewer’s attention and delivering your message before they lose interest.

Optimize for mobile viewing with responsive design.

With the majority of emails now being opened on mobile devices, optimizing for mobile viewing with responsive design is crucial. This ensures that your video content is easily accessible and viewable on any device, providing a seamless viewing experience for all recipients.

Include a clear call to action for the next steps.

Including a clear call-to-action (CTA) in your video or email content guides viewers on what to do next, whether it’s visiting a website, signing up for a service, or making a purchase. A well-placed CTA can significantly increase conversion rates by directing viewer engagement.

Test and analyze video performance for improvements.

Testing and analyzing video performance allows you to understand what works best with your audience. By examining metrics such as view rates, engagement levels, and conversion rates, you can make informed decisions on how to improve your video content for better results.

Best Practice


Tips & Examples

Keep videos short and engaging

Videos under 2 minutes to maintain viewer’s attention

Example: A product demo video that highlights key features within 90 seconds. Use fast-paced editing and vibrant visuals.

Optimize for mobile viewing

Ensure videos are responsive on all devices

Tips: Use vertical or square videos for better mobile viewing. Test on multiple devices before sending.

Include a clear call-to-action (CTA)

Direct viewers on the next steps

Example: End your video with a CTA button that says “Shop Now” or “Learn More,” making it clear what the viewer should do next.

Test and analyze video performance

Use analytics to improve future videos

Tips: Look at engagement metrics and drop-off points to refine video length and content. Use A/B testing for different video styles.

Challenges of video email marketing

While video email marketing offers numerous benefits, it presents several challenges marketers must navigate. Email client compatibility issues can arise, as not all email platforms support direct video play, potentially limiting the effectiveness of embedded videos. File size and loading times are critical considerations, as large video files can lead to slow email loading times, negatively impacting the user experience.

Additionally, maintaining video quality across devices poses a challenge, requiring videos to be optimized for both desktop and mobile viewing to ensure a consistent, high-quality experience for all recipients. Addressing these challenges is essential for a successful video email marketing strategy.

Email client compatibility issues

Solution: Use video thumbnails linked to the video on your website or a video hosting platform. This method is universally supported and can drive traffic to your site. Platforms like Mailchimp and Constant Contact offer robust support for integrating video content in a way that maximizes compatibility.

File size and loading times affecting user experience

Solution: Optimize video files using compression tools like HandBrake to reduce file size without significantly compromising quality. Additionally, consider hosting videos externally on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo and embedding links or thumbnails in your emails to avoid large attachments.

Maintaining video quality across devices

Solution: Ensure videos are responsive using HTML5 video tags when embedding directly into emails. This allows the video to adjust to various screen sizes. Most video hosting platforms automatically adjust video quality for external links based on the viewer’s device and internet speed.

Testing emails on different devices and email clients before sending them out is crucial to ensure a consistent viewing experience. Tools for Optimization:

  • HandBrake: A free tool for compressing video files efficiently.
  • Cloudinary: Offers automated video optimization and responsive support.
  • Email on Acid: Tests how your email looks across different devices and email clients, ensuring compatibility and quality.
  • Wistia: Provides video hosting with detailed analytics and integration of email marketing tools, optimizing for both quality and marketing insights.

By addressing these challenges with the right strategies and tools, marketers can enhance the effectiveness of their video email marketing campaigns, ensuring high engagement and conversion rates while maintaining a positive user experience.

Tools and platforms for creating and integrating videos

Screen Shot 2023 07 28 at 1.27.54 PM jpg Mosaic Media FilmsVarious tools and platforms are available to assist in creating and integrating videos into email marketing campaigns, each offering unique features to enhance the video email marketing process. Video editing software like Adobe Premiere provides powerful editing capabilities, allowing marketers to create professional-quality videos. Email marketing platforms with video support, such as Mailchimp, streamline the process of embedding videos into emails, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.

Additionally, video hosting services like Vimeo or YouTube offer convenient options for hosting and sharing videos, making it easier to link to or embed videos within emails. Utilizing these tools and platforms can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of video email marketing strategies.

Video editing software like Adobe Premiere

Video editing software such as Adobe Premiere enables marketers to craft professional and compelling videos. This software provides editing tools for creating high-quality video content tailored to engage and convert email recipients.

Email marketing platforms with video support like Mailchimp

Email marketing platforms with video support, including Mailchimp, simplify integrating videos into email campaigns. These platforms offer features that ensure videos are compatible and display correctly across various email clients, enhancing the campaign’s overall effectiveness.

Video hosting services like Vimeo or YouTube

Video hosting services such as Vimeo or YouTube provide a reliable solution for storing and sharing video content. By hosting videos on these platforms, marketers can easily embed or link to videos within emails, ensuring high-quality playback and accessibility for all recipients.


Integrating videos into email marketing campaigns enhances engagement, boosts click-through rates, and improves conversion rates. Visual content is more likely to capture attention and convey messages effectively.

Marketers can measure success through open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and video engagement analytics. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into viewer behavior and content effectiveness.

The optimal time varies by audience, but generally, mid-week mornings see higher engagement rates. Testing different times and analyzing performance data can help identify the best time for each specific audience.

Videos can significantly influence consumer decision-making by providing informative and persuasive content. This visual format can simplify complex information, evoke emotions, and build trust, thereby guiding consumers through purchasing.

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mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.