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What is a FAQ Video?

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Video Production Company Austin Legal Videos FAQ Cinematic Legal Story Mosaic Media Films jpg Mosaic Media Films
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Video Production Company Austin Legal Videos FAQ Customer Story Mosaic Media Films jpg Mosaic Media Films
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Video Production Company Austin Legal Videos FAQ Customer Story Mosaic Media Films jpg Mosaic Media Films
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Chances are, there are those three to five questions that your business gets on a constant basis.

Yeah, you could have a page on your website with text that explains it, but in some cases this isn’t helpful enough for you customers.

What’s more effective is having a video that explains your questions in greater detail and also provides visuals, graphics and animation so the viewer fully understands the answer to their question.

Why Would You Do An FAQ Video?

Having a series of FAQ videos is a great way to educate your viewers on a deeper level.

But equally as powerful is that it dramatically minimizes the amount of time your team spends on answering the same questions.

Imagine……. saving hundreds of work hours not answering the same question, when a well crafted FAQ video can do it for you.

One super common question we all get is, “how much is it going to cost?”

Well if you’re a cosmetic dentist a traditional text FAQ might look like this.

“The average cost of cosmetic dentistry costs around $15,000 to $20,000 dollars”

Ok – it’s informative, you got the answer.

But – let’s take a look when that same question is converted to a video..


So do you see the difference? The doctor was able to provide some additional insight, show authenticity and the graphics and text help reinforce the information.

Where Do I put an FAQ Video?

Ideally, you want to place your FAQ videos in a spot where the question may actually come up.

So, if the FAQ is about a particular product or service you want to make sure it’s on that page.

You could even create a separate page on your website that has all of your FAQ videos.

In addition to that, you could put your FAQ videos on your contact us page to minimize those same calls and questions coming in.

The guys at Mosaic Media Films walked us through everything and it was a lot easier than we ever could’ve imagined. We think that our videos look great and we’re very happy with the end result. We just started using them on our Facebook page and we’ve already got over 171 reviews in less than a week!!

John Schwartz Mosaic Media Films   John Schwartz

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