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So you’ve decided to implement video into your marketing plan —

Get excited, because You’re about to take your company to the next level and create meaningful connections with your audiences in an authentic way.

But before we hit that record button, we first need to determine the best type of videos that will be ideal for your business and marketing goals.

Type 1: Business Promo Videos

A business promo video provides a first glimpse into who you are,the story of a customer’s journey and what their life will look like when working with you.

With Our approach to business videos, we use our 9-part story framework that’s designed to engage, educate and convert viewers to buyers.

With that framework in place, we’ll combine a compelling script, cinematic visuals, customer testimonials and animations to help illustrate how your product or service makes life better for your clients.

Once it’s done well, a business promo video becomes the centerpiece of your marketing and can be leveraged on your website, landing pages, social media, ads, sales presentations and other online marketing efforts.

Type 2: Customer Story Videos

When’s the last time you turned to a customer review to help you choose where to eat, what to buy, or where to stay during your vacation?

Everyone likes to see some social proof and that’s why sharing customer stories
is a great way to connect with your audience by highlighting your customer’s journey
and the experience they had when working with you and your company.

Customer story videos are also great because they’re full of authenticity.

What better way to get people invested in your product than by sharing real opinions and experiences from other users? when we start working with our clients, our first step is to understand your target markets and demographics at a deeper level.

The challenges, day to day life and how you helped them on their own personal journey.

Next, we pinpoint existing customers who fit that persona, and who’ve had a positive personal experience with your company

This individual is now the basis of your customer story video, and is brought to life via use of interviews, testimonials, and great visuals.

In other videos, it’s okay for you to talk about your company — but it’s so powerful to have customers talk about your company.

That’s why customer story videos are an essential video you need to connect with your audiences on a deeper level.

Type 3: Service Videos

Chances are, your company provides multiple services — and not just one. When potential consumers turn to your business for help, they’re commonly only searching for one specific type of service.

Creating separate videos that outline each service your company provides
is a great way to do a deep dive into your offerings, highlight the unique features of your business, and provide your audience with answers to problems they might be facing.

We create service videos that clearly illustrate one specific service, the process and how using it will make your client’s life better, easier, and more fun.

For example: If you’re a dentist we could create a business promo video
that talks about everything you do and in that video, we may mention that you provide sedation services, but due to timing, we may only be able to mention it for a few seconds. Where in a service video, we’d go into greater detail about it in a longer video and talk about the variety of options available to help customers that are specifically interested in it.

Offering your audience a high-quality, professional service video that articulates each service you provide will allow you to more effectively engage, educate, and turn viewers into buyers.

Having video for your business is an incredible way to connect with your audience, differentiate your business, and increase sales.

However, make sure you’re creating the right types of video that will have the biggest impact.

A great start is a business promo, customer story video and a series of service videos.

If you’d like to get started on video, simply click on the link below to set up a free strategy session.

Book a Free Strategy Session

We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

Here is how we do it
Strategy White Mosaic Media Films

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Camera Production White Mosaic Media Films

Produce Videos

Acheive Goal White Mosaic Media Films

Achieve sales & marketing goals

Schedule your free strategy session now. Don’t let the fear of a complicated process stop you from telling your incredible story to the world.