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Ever seen a video of yourself and thought, “Oh, wow, is that really what I sound/look/talk like? You’re not alone.

Fear of being in front of the camera is common, but don’t worry — With these three easy steps, you’ll be ready to give an on-camera interview, That you’ll love.

Tip No. 1: Focus on the Big Picture

Let’s be real:
You might stumble your words a bit, ramble, and have to repeat yourself from time to time.

In fact, as I record this, I’ve done it plenty of times myself

And if if I didn’t just show you that you never would have know!! So it’s okay!

All those little “umms,” “uhhs,” Just bring you one step closer to to articulating your message.

An interview is really just a casual conversation between two parties, and any errors you make that might seem big to you are only natural.

The reality is We’ll talk for 15 to 20 minutes during your interview and often times it comes down to a couple ten to fifteen second sound bites. And…. often times you’re only actually shown on camera for a few seconds.

So whether your interview is 2 or 20 minutes we’ll be by your side every step of the way to lend a hand if you happen to get stuck.

Tip No. 2: Wear Something That Makes You Feel Comfortable and Confident

If your clothes don’t fit or feel right, that’s going to show through in your body language, Your facial expressions, and tone of voice.

So first focus on wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident.

Doing that will help prime yourself for appearing, and sounding that way in front of the camera.

Just make sure that whatever you wear doesn’t have any busy patterns or slogans
as these can sometimes distract your viewers.

Layering always looks great on camera and colors that contrast with the background are ideal.

Remember: The focus should be on you, not on your outfit.

Tip No. 3: Relax and Be Yourself

Your viewers are here to learn about you and your company. So, being your authentic self is the best approach.

Imagine you’re meeting an old friend for coffee.

That’s exactly how you should sound in your interview — calm, casual, and conversational.

Think hard about what makes you most relaxed, and try to do a few of those things before your interview.

Whether it’s sipping on a nice cup of tea or listening to your favorite album, putting yourself into a peaceful state of mind before you go on camera will set you up for success.

If you’re still feeling nervous, it’s okay to ask for the interview questions beforehand
and rehearse your responses in front of the mirror or a friend.

Practice makes perfect, but remember that since interviews are supposed to be conversational, you don’t want to come off as too perfect by sounding rehearsed.

Preparation shouldn’t be about memorization; it should instead be about getting yourself comfortable speaking about yourself and the passion you have for your work and customers.

Now that you’re de-stressed, dressed, and know how to sound the best, you’ll be more than ready to deliver an authentic on-camera interview that’s true to you, your company, and your viewers.

Book a Free Strategy Session

We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

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