Mosaic Media Films

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There are very minimal tools other than video at your disposal if your brand desires a huge return on investment (ROI). A strategically created video placed at the right locations including your social media, or email can have a huge impact on your revenue.
Ahead of discussing the best use of video in email, let us first look at some stats:
In the human brain, visual information is captured and processed roughly 60k times faster than text. More than 90% of information from video content is retained in the brain and more than 50% of customers feel comfortable buying a product online if a product video is available.
For every $1 spent in email marketing, the average ROI is about $39, which is rare in other marketing channels. Likewise, video is credited as the marketing medium with the highest ROI by marketers worldwide. By clubbing these two, you get the best marketing strategy!
More than 70% of new email subscribers expect a welcome email which usually experiences 4x the open rate and 5x the Click-Through-Rate. But the best part is that a welcome email with a video can receive an average CTR of over 90%.

Backed by the stats presented above, welcome emails including well-crafted videos are a cakewalk to achieve more CTR.
If you want to have a robust strategy, you can also adopt a double-opt-in method to ensure that your welcome emails have a high CTR. You can require users to verify their subscription by clicking on a link contained in the welcome email or by including an OTP in the welcome email. This will ensure that the welcome emails are opened and will increase the probability of your video being watched.
Welcome emails evolve from time to time. You need to keep a close watch on the statistics and data to analyze which are the best and trendy practices for a welcome email. Welcome emails need to be updated regularly to ensure optimum results.

Unfortunately, not all devices and email clients play nicely with videos embedded in an email. Only a few devices like Apple Mail, ioS 7 and 10+, Thunderbird, and Samsung Galaxy are supportive of video in email.
HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and makes it a truly fascinating experience for users who can watch videos in email by supporting the embedding of videos in emails.

For new or old subscribers whose devices do not support videos in emails, try adding a frame to the email which redirects to a landing page that contains the video.
For this strategy to work, make sure that the frame seems interesting enough for the user to click on it and get redirected to the landing page.
Before sending the email, test that the link works otherwise it might result in the customer getting irritated.

A study has shown that more than 60% of email users use mobile devices to interact with emails. This shows the importance of having a responsive welcome email and video. Design it such that it fits the screen of the device it is being seen on.
A responsive design can be implemented by using certain design elements or a single-column layout. It will help in gaining and retaining the interest of the email user.

Bear in mind that most people are reluctant to play audio in public if they do not have earphones. If your video has some conversation or narration or any lyrical element, always include a subtitle to make sure that the viewer doesn’t miss what you are intending to communicate through the video.
A lack of subtitles also reduces the no. of potential viewers by totally neglecting viewers with hearing ailments. Therefore, it is important to have subtitles to maximize your reach and also retain viewers.

Personalization goes a long way in attracting and retaining customers. When you show viewers that the content is specially designed for them, it is more likely to grab their interest and help your reach your goals.
You can either alter the subject line with the names of the viewers or edit your video according to the niche segment of viewers you’re targeting in your video.
You can also tweak the same video a bit to render it suitable to different lists of similar niche viewers or create altogether new video keeping in mind the target segment.
This ensures that the viewer feels bonded with the content and is drawn towards watching the video.

Do not forget that most viewers are trying to comprehend your video. People don’t spend hours reading an email, they are usually on and off. Hence, it is important to keep your video sweet, simple but valuable all at the same time!
Also, do remember to add the ‘play’ icon to the video to avoid viewers mistaking it as a static image.

A video can be anything right from product description to customer testimonials to success story to anything you think will benefit your brand and grab the interest of the user.
If you are working on a product or project, you can show behind-the-scenes wherein your team is indulged in building and providing the best.
Or, you can showcase the journey of your brand through clever narration and story-telling.
You can also embed client testimonials to have word-of-mouth publicity of your brand.
Also, you can create a how-to video to display the use/assembly of your products to ease your customer’s experience with your products.
Whatever you do, make sure that your video tells a story! This is the easiest and the smartest way to connect with the viewers instantly!

Now that you’ve become well-versed in how to use videos for your email, it is time to create your video and shoot that email!
Get Set Go!
If you need any assistance, you can contact us as we specialize in planning and creating video content for our clients as per their budget, requirements, and goals.

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Some title for relevant video Goes Here here

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We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.