Mosaic Media Films

Video Marketing Tips

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What is a client story video? For many businesses, generating sales is a delicate task. It involves building professional relationships with potential customers; employing methods that leave a lasting impression about your business and making the audience feel that your business is the ultimate solution to their demands and desires.Video content has a big role to play in all these steps. Videos are dynamic which makes them more interesting and attention-grabbing than mere images or written posts. Consider the following statistics that advocate everything we just mentioned:• Video Ads account for being the top reason people discovered a brand and bought from.• More than 75% of marketers admit to experiencing increased sales by employing video ads.• More than 90% of brands gained new customers from Instagram video ads.• More than 80% of people hold video ads accountable for having them make the buying decision. The attention-grabbing audio-visual element and interesting and informative content combined appeal to the viewer. Also depending on the type of the video like Testimonial Video, Explainer Video, How-To Video, etc, you have the opportunity to attract, entertain, gain and retain existing and potential customers. This contributes to increased sales.The benefits of using video ads are multiplied if your sales team uses them for direct outreach. Videos aid in streamlining the endeavors of your salesperson without having to chase the leads.Below is how to get started to use videos for driving sales: Take Into Account the Sales FunnelIt is usually recommended to properly underline your goals before starting on a video project. Considering the Marketing Funnel- Attention, Interest, Desire, Action- is a great way to analyze your goals. The goal of marketers like you behind creating video ads is to make the potential customers glide through the marketing funnel smoothly, ultimately driving sales.A video fit for one stage of the marketing funnel may prove useless for another stage. Therefore, it is important to identify your goal before embarking on the journey of video production. You may consider the following ideas for different stages of the funnel:AWARENESSThe Awareness stage corresponds to the first few interactions with your prospective customers and creating awareness about their problems and the existence of your brand in the market.Videos for this stage aren’t focused on conversions or closing the deals but on gaining the audience’s attention and conveying some key points about your brand or products.Before-and-After Videos, Commercials, Promos are the most effective video types for the Awareness stage. Such videos work well on OTT, Social Media, TV, or other digital spaces. INTERESTThis stage relates to when the customer is already aware of the existence of your brand but isn’t planning to buy. In this stage, your brand and products are portrayed as the solutions to the problems identified by the customer in the Awareness phase. It accounts for creating interest in your brand by showing your story, product qualities, or other specifications.Explainer Videos, Brand Videos, Crowdfunding Videos, and Product Videos perform well in this phase of the funnel. Distribution Channels like Emails, Social Media Handles, Websites, Paid Ads are involved in this stage. DESIREThis phase kind of coincides with the interest phase. Here, you showcase your brand as the best or the only solution to the problems identified by the customer in the Awareness phase. They turn from just finding your brand interesting to requiring or desiring it.It makes it a good idea to present your brand or products in action in this phase. Employing videos like Customer Testimonials, How-To, FAQs, Product Descriptions where customers get the feel of actually using and living with your products accounts for drawing in more sales.Such videos are usually directly used by the salespersons while interacting with the customers. Other channels include Emails, Product Listing on E-Commerce Websites, Social Media, and your Website. ACTIONThis is the phase where the customer converts. All your efforts finally some up to drive revenue, sometimes making you feel it a quick process. Over 90% of marketers admit to considering video as a very important part of the marketing strategy for a reason!This phase is when you add the final pinch of salt to your food by making your customers make their buying decision in your favor. You can use Testimonial Videos or any important thing you feel will act as the catalyst. This is the phase where the customers are already interested in your brand and need a final push to buy from your brand.Personal interactions and follow-ups account for this stage but other channels like Emails, Social Media also play an important role. Consult Your Sales TeamOnce you figure out the phase of the marketing funnel you wish to put your focus on, keep in mind to consult your salespersons. They are the one directly interact with you customers regularly and know which points to emphasize on.This also is a great way of making your salesperson feel valued and connected by taking their opinions and advice into consideration. They will feel more connected to the content and hence would do their best to make customers relate to the video and ultimately convert them. Test, Adjust, RepeatLast but not the least, creating just one video and expecting miracles out of it would be of no use. While it may account for comparatively increased sales than having no video at all, it still is not enough.The best way to receiving the most out of your efforts is to monitor and analyze the video as to the total no. of views or interactions, the total length up to which the video is being watched, the total time spent on the website, which distribution channel attracts the most traffic and interactions, is your video accounting for sales or mere interactions, etcPublishing a video and analyzing its performance can prove to be a gold mine to learn more about the taste and opinions of the customers and channel your efforts in the right direction by overcoming your shortcoming and creating improved videos.It is never too late to add videos to your marketing strategy


2020707 1 Mosaic Media Films


What is a client story video? There are very minimal tools other than video at your disposal if your brand desires a huge return on investment (ROI). A strategically created video placed at the right locations including your social media, or email can have a huge impact on your revenue.Ahead of discussing the best use of video in email, let us first look at some stats:In the human brain, visual information is captured and processed roughly 60k times faster than text. More than 90% of information from video content is retained in the brain and more than 50% of customers feel comfortable buying a product online if a product video is available.For every $1 spent in email marketing, the average ROI is about $39, which is rare in other marketing channels. Likewise, video is credited as the marketing medium with the highest ROI by marketers worldwide. By clubbing these two, you get the best marketing strategy!More than 70% of new email subscribers expect a welcome email which usually experiences 4x the open rate and 5x the Click-Through-Rate. But the best part is that a welcome email with a video can receive an average CTR of over 90%. BEGIN WITH A WARM WELCOME EMAILBacked by the stats presented above, welcome emails including well-crafted videos are a cakewalk to achieve more CTR.If you want to have a robust strategy, you can also adopt a double-opt-in method to ensure that your welcome emails have a high CTR. You can require users to verify their subscription by clicking on a link contained in the welcome email or by including an OTP in the welcome email. This will ensure that the welcome emails are opened and will increase the probability of your video being watched.Welcome emails evolve from time to time. You need to keep a close watch on the statistics and data to analyze which are the best and trendy practices for a welcome email. Welcome emails need to be updated regularly to ensure optimum results. FOR CLIENTS SUPPORTING VIDEO EMAILS, EMBED HTML5Unfortunately, not all devices and email clients play nicely with videos embedded in an email. Only a few devices like Apple Mail, ioS 7 and 10+, Thunderbird, and Samsung Galaxy are supportive of video in email.HTML5 is the latest version of HTML and makes it a truly fascinating experience for users who can watch videos in email by supporting the embedding of videos in emails. FOR NON-SUPPORTIVE CLIENTS, USE VIDEO FRAMEFor new or old subscribers whose devices do not support videos in emails, try adding a frame to the email which redirects to a landing page that contains the video.For this strategy to work, make sure that the frame seems interesting enough for the user to click on it and get redirected to the landing page.Before sending the email, test that the link works otherwise it might result in the customer getting irritated. TRY TO MAKE IT RESPONSIVEA study has shown that more than 60% of email users use mobile devices to interact with emails. This shows the importance of having a responsive welcome email and video. Design it such that it fits the screen of the device it is being seen on.A responsive design can be implemented by using certain design elements or a single-column layout. It will help in gaining and retaining the interest of the email user. USE SUBTITLE. ALWAYS!Bear in mind that most people are reluctant to play audio in public if they do not have earphones. If your video has some conversation or narration or any lyrical element, always include a subtitle to make sure that the viewer doesn’t miss what you are intending to communicate through the video.A lack of subtitles also reduces the no. of potential viewers by totally neglecting viewers with hearing ailments. Therefore, it is important to have subtitles to maximize your reach and also retain viewers. PERSONALIZATION MATTERSPersonalization goes a long way in attracting and retaining customers. When you show viewers that the content is specially designed for them, it is more likely to grab their interest and help your reach your goals.You can either alter the subject line with the names of the viewers or edit your video according to the niche segment of viewers you’re targeting in your video.You can also tweak the same video a bit to render it suitable to different lists of similar niche viewers or create altogether new video keeping in mind the target segment.This ensures that the viewer feels bonded with the content and is drawn towards watching the video. KEEP IT SIMPLEDo not forget that most viewers are trying to comprehend your video. People don’t spend hours reading an email, they are usually on and off. Hence, it is important to keep your video sweet, simple but valuable all at the same time!Also, do remember to add the ‘play’ icon to the video to avoid viewers mistaking it as a static image. WHAT SHOULD THE VIDEO IN THE EMAIL BE ABOUT?A video can be anything right from product description to customer testimonials to success story to anything you think will benefit your brand and grab the interest of the user.If you are working on a product or project, you can show behind-the-scenes wherein your team is indulged in building and providing the best.Or, you can showcase the journey of your brand through clever narration and story-telling.You can also embed client testimonials to have word-of-mouth publicity of your brand.Also, you can create a how-to video to display the use/assembly of your products to ease your customer’s experience with your products.Whatever you do, make sure that your video tells a story! This is the easiest and the smartest way to connect with the viewers instantly! SHOOT!!!!Now that you’ve become well-versed in how to use videos for your email, it is time to create your video and shoot that email!Get Set Go!If you need any assistance, you can contact us as we specialize in planning and creating video content for our clients as per their budget,


1965058 1 Mosaic Media Films

Add More Engagement to Your Restaurant’s Content with Video

What is a client story video? You own a restaurant and probably looking for some hot and spicy marketing technique to spruce up sales! You might have seen short cookery videos on the internet that intrigue you but also leave you confused at the same time as to how to create such a video for your restaurant.With a lot of people considering going to casual restaurants or take-away, you need to use every nail in your toolbox to drive them to your restaurants. Unlike big brands, you do not have much budget to spend on TV Commercials or Media Spots; it is important to use techniques to make the best out of the limited resources.It may seem as difficult as hitting the bull’s eye but with the right assistance, you can create videos that boost your online presence and provide you enough recognition.Today, we shall be discussing how you can make use of the right video content to drive sales and establish a strong media presence. WHY VIDEO?According to a recent study published by Google, people are consuming videos like “What-do-I-eat” and “How-to-add-it” on their mobile devices. Hence, you need to make mobile-friendly content that is easy to understand and interesting.With the digital age gaining power, a million minutes of video content are being uploaded on the internet every second and being shown to random internet users in the proximity. With its popularity, millennials have been found to consume more than 30% of food videos online as compared to any other demographics. 6 VIDEO TYPES YOUR COMPANY NEEDSYou might not want to create food videos all the time but it is important to create a strategy for your video content to ensure that you make the most out of it. Here are a few types of video you can use: BRAND VIDEOIt is the brand that makes users connect with your business. Your restaurant is not merely a restaurant. It is a Brand! Your business name and brand should project something deep that makes the customer feel instantly connected to it. The best way to do this is by using a good video.The brand video should portray what your business is all about, why it is what it is, how do customers find your food, which is your best dish, the story behind your best dish, or anything you feel will create a good picture about your restaurant in front of the viewers.The brand video is usually longer than other videos but this renders them best for retargeting customers who have already interacted with your videos. SOCIAL VIDEOSocial Videos are antonyms of Brand Videos. Here, you just have a small window to create a leaving impression. On social media, people are less attentive and spend most of their time scrolling. This makes the social video very crucial but difficult.Social videos need to be fast, creative, and attention-grabbing. They cannot have a long storyline, rather you need to show the best about your restaurant like your best dishes, your happy customers, the ambiance, your logo, your happy staff, etc. PRODUCT VIDEOSince restaurants can have a big menu, these types of videos are usually not properly utilized in the restaurant business. But focusing on a single item and making a video for the same by highlighting your expertise, the ingredients, the cooking process can provide you a lot of viewer attention.You can pick whatever you feel would be best, just ensure that it is enticing enough to grab and retain the viewer’s attention till the end. Visually appetizing dishes or drinks, anything that involves a beautiful sequence like cheese pulling out of a pizza or flames emerging from a sizzler would add a great charm to your video.You can make full-length product videos for your website and later trim them and use them as ads. This way you can reuse a single video multiple times and gain the most out of it. TRAINING VIDEOThese videos are not aimed at your customers. These videos are for your workforce where you can have an induction or training or convey and teach any new technique to your staff across various locations. It eases the tedious training process and ensures that consistent and accurate information reaches all the members.Training new employees can be frustrating or boring and you would never know the importance of a good training video until you have one at your perusal. With a good and updated training video, it becomes easier to scale that no errors are passed on to the trainee or no information is missed out or miscommunicated and it also rids the other members of the burden of sparing time on training new employees. COMMERCIAL VIDEONearly similar to Brand Videos, Commercials are usually shorter, up to 30 seconds long as compared to 2-minute brand videos. They are to the point and focus on one goal and crucial piece of content.Commercials are great if you want to instill a feeling of suspense. You can present small information and leave the rest to the viewer’s imagination. But to make it work, you need to use high-quality footage and epic shots. Use slow-mos and graphics to put forth the passion involved in cooking your food and make it feel alive! EXPLAINER VIDEOIf you think there’s anything about your restaurant or food or a specific dish, you can use Explainer videos. You can use these to inform and educate viewers about anything.This type of video is not very common in the restaurant industry but you can make use of it to help you stand out from the crowd. You can portray your expertise or the best dish or your passion for any cuisine or cooking technique, whatever you do, put your heart and soul into it and the video will come out to be amazing! You can also post it online to aid you in your SEO endeavors. CONCLUSIONIf you own a restaurant, video can be an amazing way to reach your customers and showcase the best things about your brand. It

Add More Engagement to Your Restaurant’s Content with Video Read More »

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Product Videos and Ecommerce – How Can You Maximize Your Reach?

What is a client story video? Imagine yourself looking for a new gadget online and you stumble upon one which is way cheaper than its counterparts but belongs to a brand you’ve never heard of. Apart from looking for reviews, what alternative do you have to learn more about the product and the brand in the best possible way? If your answer is a ‘product video’, now you know our point!Be it a budding e-commerce entrepreneur or a big e-commerce tycoon, you would always need product videos to attract new customers, let them know about your brand, build confidence in their minds to purchase from your brand, and keep them satisfied. WHAT A PRODUCT VIDEO IS?A product video is a video specially tailored to highlight the features, specifications, and qualities of a product. It helps entrepreneurs show their product in action, what the product can do, what does it look like, how it can be used, etc. It is especially relevant if there’s not a physical store where customers can see the product.It has been proven that online customers engage more with videos, and product videos are better at displaying the features and qualities of a product, building confidence in customers to purchase from you, and ultimately increasing sales. From all the web visitors, more than 70% are likely to purchase from you just by interacting with a high-quality product video. VIDEOS GARNER MORE CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Video has been a captivation medium for ages as our eyes are more attracted to moving light and images. Particularly, product videos are sure to grab the viewer’s attention and present more information as compared to other media.Customers tend to spend more time on a website with videos. On an e-commerce page, product videos increase the no of pages viewed per session by more than 125 percent, and the session duration for e-commerce companies having product videos on their website is lifted by more than 300 percent. This increase in the time spent on the website is because consumers are watching the video to at least 80% of the total video length.This is also because people absorb information better through videos as compared to text with more than 70 percent of consumers finding product videos better at explaining the product. PRODUCT VIDEOS INCREASE CUSTOMER CONFIDENCE If you’re new to e-commerce planning your marketing strategy, including product videos in the strategy will work wonders for you. Even if you are an old brand, including product videos in the promotional strategies of a new product line will boost the confidence of customers in your new product.Consumers are aware of the fact that looks and words are deceptive and they would easily trust a brand that’s ready to show its products in action by including videos from different angles. More than 50 percent of online shoppers find brands with product videos to be more trustworthy and over 40 percent of internet users will revisit a website because of the product videos. Also, consumers admit that they would think 12 times more highly of a brand that includes product videos than the one that doesn’t. Last but not the least, more than 50 percent of consumers get confident about their purchase if they see a product video and are less likely to ask for a return.Also, according to some statistics by Google, more than 60 percent of consumers like seeing videos from “people like me” and around 5 percent of consumers like it from experts indicating that it is not only important to know the product but your customers as well to present the right kind to videos to the right people. PRODUCT VIDEOS BOOST CONVERSION RATES AS WELL According to some surveys, more than 90 percent of online consumers admit that product videos play a huge part in affecting their purchase decision and more than 70 percent of consumers tend to finally purchase a product after seeing a video about how it works. Therefore, it is statistically proven to increase conversions if you include product videos in your marketing strategies. Having a video on only one page can increase conversions up to 37 percent and more than 40 percent of consumers prefer purchasing products from a brand that features product videos. Besides this, product videos also contribute to SEO and result in better page rank for your e-commerce brand. E-commerce companies having product videos on their content page experience 150 percent more organic traffic than those who don’t have it. Even if the product video is share across your social media channels, it is likely to create 45 percent more interest in the customers for your product. Considering a broader perspective, Google nearly encounters 3.5 billion searches daily amounting to nearly 1.2 trillion searches annually, out of which, videos appear in around 14 percent. Just by having a product video, you are 14 percent more likely to appear in the search results. Apart from the statistics, having a product video on your website makes you look more impressive and professional and bring your products to life by showing them in movement. Finally, product videos have the power to take your company to greater heights and create more customer engagement. Once you receive a good customer engagement, it becomes easier to earn their loyalty and retain them for a long time to come. Category Name Some title for relevant video Goes Here here Know More Mark Wonderlin Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.

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How to Maximize Your Video Content for Higher ROI

What is a client story video? Video marketing has become a popular marketing strategy. It is important to create a good video but it is equally important to optimize according to your SEO practice to reap the maximum benefit. Not all businesses are aware of how to do this and thus we have curated some points to help you maximize your video content for higher ROI using SEO. Read on to know more… Tip 1: USE APPROPRIATE TITLES In the structured data, the name of your video becomes a part of your video title. Hence, it is important that the title not only replicates the title of the page it embeds on but also reflects the specific video content. It is ideal to choose something easy and relevant. With Google being smart enough to understand and relate the synonyms, you do not need to research keywords. Just ensure that the title is compelling and relevant. It is advisable to change the title of the video as soon as you upload them. Tip 2: THUMBNAIL The first thing that catches the attention of the viewers scrolling through the search results is your thumbnail. It can either contribute to your success or be a reason for your failure. Consider your thumbnail to be a movie poster. It is like a static advertisement for your video and should interest people to click on your video. It is not mandatory for the thumbnail to be a part of the video, it should be something interesting and relevant to the actual contents of the video. There are no specific guidelines for this but the following points can be considered while deciding the thumbnail: Resolution should be 116*65 pixels: The thumbnail image shrinks to this resolution in the search results. Make sure that your image abides by this resolution to ensure that the thumbnail doesn’t spoil in the search result pages. No screenshots: It doesn’t look impressive when a screenshot is reduced to a thumb-size in the search engine results. It won’t attract viewers and result in no much traffic. Human faces are friendly: Humans get attracted to other human faces. Thumbnails having expressive or impressive faces are much well-received and clicked on by the viewers. Follow the rule-of-thirds: Following the conventional wisdom of the rule of thirds where the content should be placed between the lines that divide the image into 9 equal parts to ensure ideal framing. Tip 3: INLINE EMBED 2 types of embeds are available: inline embeds and pop-over embed. Google places inline embeds in a better position than the pop-over embeds since the pop-over embeds need to be clicked to activate the JavaScript. Tip 4: BUILD A VIDEO SITEMAP A file uploaded to your website has specific information about your website, content, images, or videos(or metadata) is called a sitemap. A video sitemap is the best way to make search engines learn about your video and its contents like the title, target audience, etc. You can find the sitemap by consulting your development team. When you have your sitemap, go to Google Search Console and submit it. On the left-hand navigation, under the “index”, you’ll be able to find it. This will help you to ensure that your sitemaps are good enough to earn you a better search engine rank. Tip 5: USE VIDEO SCHEMA MARKUP Employing a search engine schema is another way to improve how a search engine crawls and comprehends your video data. Schema is a schematic vocabulary of metadata that can be added to your HTML to improve how the search engines read and represent your page in search engine result pages. Tip 6: ENSURE THAT THE VIDEO YOU WANT INDEXED SHOWS IN THE FIRST PAGE Google generally indexes one video per page. If you put multiple videos on a single page, it is not likely that Google would recognize any more than the first video. Therefore, make sure that if you are putting more than one video on a single page, the one you think is the most important should be the first video on the page. Tip 7: TRY TO AVOID FUNKY JAVASCRIPT If you’re using angular.js or other JavaScript libraries to build your website, your video will likely get buried under multiple layers of JavaScript. Try to use HTML or CSS to build your website or make sure that more technical expertise is included to have the video SEO function properly. Tip 8: VIDEO TRANSCRIPTS The process that includes the conversion of speech or audio in written, plain texts without having any time information attached is called Transcription. The two main transcription practices are:  Verbatim and Clean-Read Verbatim works by transcribing the speeches word-by-word, inclusive of all the sound effects and utterances. It is ideal for scripted shows like TV, skit, or movie. Whereas, Clean Read edits the texts to include more fluidity and is ideal for non-scripted content like interviews. Transcripts are placed right below your video and lie on the same page as the video content. This improves your video SEO and also presents users with alternative ways to enjoy your content. Tip 9: USE CAPTIONS FOR VIDEOS The process of dividing transcript into smaller sections called “caption frames” and time-coding each of them to synchronize with the content’s audio is called “Captioning”. The outcome of this process is called “captions” and is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Captions are very crucial for SEO. The search engine doesn’t have eyes and ears to see or hear your video’s content. The search engine crawlers crawl across your site to read the text and information code and comprehend what it is about. Apart from the SEO advantages, captions make your video easily understandable for the viewers and boost engagements on other channels. BONUS TIP Bear in mind that Google’s algorithms analyses many other factors as well to rank your webpage. It considers the video content and its quality as well. To improve your search presence, it is important to have high-quality

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The Importance of Educational Video Content and Your Brand

What is a client story video? The top brands often are amazing teachers. They put efforts into building educational content to help the viewers gain knowledge about the brand, the product, the market, or the industry. And how you put across the educational content is as important as the content itself. In 2021, the best way to do it by using video content. With the rapid increase in video consumption in 2021, videos are no longer a luxury but a necessity for businesses. With this blog, let’s explore the importance of educational video content for your brand. Educational product videos ease the complications Remember about the last time you read a user manual for a product. Even with pictorial illustrations or sketches put in it to guide you, it was not easy to comprehend it.Now, think about having a manual with any pictures and sketches. It is even tougher, right?This is the same as explaining a product with no visuals. This is a “talk less, show more” age, and providing videos to your users makes comprehension easier and more interesting.With a lot of evidence backing the effectiveness of video content, more than 60 percent of people say they prefer watching short videos to learn more about a product or service. This hints at keeping your video short, explaining key points in simple terms.To take your educational video one step ahead, think upon interviewing a member of your core product developing team. Having someone explain your product while watching a video about it makes it a lot easier for the consumers to comprehend it—far more than plain text or pictorial representations. Engage and educate viewers using Webinars In 2019, around 45 percent of people use webinars. This number hiked to more than 60 percent in 2020 with the pandemic clearly opening up opportunities for people to learn and work from their homes.Webinars form an interesting part of the learning ecosystem. Webinars follow an in-depth approach to explaining the topics they are covering. Being so detailed, webinars aid you build customer’s trust in your brand and improve the customer journey.It takes a lot of time and effort to come up with a well-executed webinar and can prove to be a bit tiresome but it is totally worth all the efforts and have a lot of advantages.Registration to attend a webinar is voluntary and people do so if they are already interested in a particular topic/brand or product. If you offer value in your content and offer an engaging webinar, you’ll have great potential leads.Another crucial aspect of a webinar is that it invites audience participation. You can ask attendees about the questions they want you to answer and shortlist a few truly interesting ones to address during the webinar. You may also include a live chat to make the webinar more interesting or include polls that can be run in real-time to receive feedback.Webinars can also help you provide other content for your marketing. You can edit and repurpose your webinar content into short videos for social media or blog posts and more. Educational content satiates social people thirsty for knowledge According to statistics, more than 70 percent of brands are already coming up with videos for their social media. It is twice likely for users to share video content with their friends or family across various social media platforms. So, give them a great, interesting content to encourage viral sharing.Apart from Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn has also opened up an amazing way for marketers to use video content for their promotion. In fact, more than 80 percent of the marketers making us of LinkedIn term it as a very “effective channel”.Most LinkedIn users are professionals looking to connect and interact with quality people and quality content and thus, it is a very important platform to gain potential leads.You can use the educational video content in several different forms like testimonial video or product video or explainer video.The key here is that these videos are short, not more than one to two minutes, and have a clear click-to-action. With a shorter attention span, it is important to gain and retain the attention of the viewers and make the most out of your video content. Let the content strategy be video-centric Your overall content strategy should be inclusive of good video content. They form a crucial element in creating brand awareness and building a connection with the customers. Above everything else, strive to be helpful and engaging at the same time. Category Name Some title for relevant video Goes Here here Know More Mark Wonderlin Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.

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2020’s Reach on Video Advertisement – How Does It Affect You

What is a client story video? Video emerged as a crucial tool of communication in 2020. Videos were used by brands to keep the customers and stakeholders updated and by the consumers to make buying decisions and kill time at home. The advertisement industry was aware of the importance of video but it became all the more important when all other Face-To-Face communication opportunities got halted due to the pandemic. They started using video to reach the prospective customers who were already spending time watching videos. It won’t be wrong to say that video garnered so much popularity in 2020 that it is not expected to see a decline anytime soon. Below mentioned are some changes and how they’ll affect you as a marketer for a long time to come: 1. Reduced barriers to entry The first and foremost change that came was for the video content to be accessible to all the small businesses, late learners, and everybody who ignore video marketing before 2020. The major reason behind this is the major shift in the Covid-19 situations that even the best video marketers had to adjust to creating low-quality video remotely. The viewers also didn’t mind small glitches, compromised audio and video quality, or a less beautiful background. This allows you to include video content for your advantage even if it is your first time. Pre-2020, brands who were just starting with the video content promotion struggled for perfectionism, reluctant to start because of the fear of the audience pointing at their mistakes. Gladly, this isn’t the case in 2021, viewers have become more understanding than ever and if you’re still waiting for the right time, it is now! Because of the lower entry barriers, video usage is rapidly increasing. According to Hubspot’s “State of Marketing” report, video has become the most-used type of video content beating all others including emailers, blogs, infographics, etc. 2. Importance of video-first social media platforms Video-first social media platforms were already seeing a rise but 2020 make the way for it. In 2020, TikTok shows an explosion in its usage. With more and more people looking to pass time in the early stay-indoors days, content creators had time to try something new, without spending anything. And the short video creation gave them an opportunity to create videos without much mental effort or focus. It doesn’t come as a surprise that TikTop received an estimated 850 million+ downloads and revenue of $1 billion in 2020 alone. Apart from TikTok, other platforms also leaned towards video in 2020. Instagram reels were launched as a competitor to TikTok and Facebook and LinkedIn also became more focused on video content. Many sites involved algorithms that prioritized video content, encouraging video content creation. In 2017, Mark Zuckerberg put forth his vision for Facebook to become a “video-first platform”, with many other platforms following in. It is expected to experience a rapid increase in video content creation for months to come. 3. Increased value perception It doesn’t come as a surprise that consumers truly enjoy video content. Also, 2020 made it visible that video is more important to the consumers than we anticipated. Due to the lack of in-person communication, in-office work, and brick-and-mortar shops, video has picked up momentum. Apart from a few exceptions, it has done it exceptionally well. Many of us might be exhausted from webinars and Zoom meetings but video rendered 2020 more functional and bearable, beyond the scope of any doubt. Consumers have the option of shopping virtually using AR to try on things, enjoy virtual meetings with friends, live stream dance or workout classes and do a lot of other things we usually took for granted. It is a fact that video has started easing all these tasks and people are realizing the value of video content. 4. Concentration on edutainment content Edutainment content refers to the content that is part educational and partially entertainment. A number of today’s teachers already follow this concept. They look for ways to introduce engaging content in the class that naturally grabs the students’ attention. This makes the educational content stick in the memory for the long term. 2020 has seen an increase in branded edutainment video content. Now, brands don’t hesitate to share content that is purely educational and doesn’t have a clear call to action. There’s a rapid increase in content that is not sales-driven but purely educational. Also, talented content creators get to share their knowledge on a variety of topics with the viewers. One example is TikTok where creators can use their expertise to create short videos for viewers. This way, content creators can reach millions of people worldwide and share the niche information they’re passionate about. Businesses are expected to continue experimenting with edutainment content and if you haven’t started yet, now is the time to do it! 5. Growth in time spent on watching video content The way events unfolded in 2020, more and more people started engaging with video content. According to Nielsen’s studies, video content watching received more than 60 percent increased by the home-bound consumers. Wyzowl observed that consumers nowadays are indulged in an additional average of 7.5 hours of watching videos as compared to the last 3 years. This hints at the fact that consumers are becoming more learned and video-literate and identifying the opportunities involved in video content like shoppable video content, AR video content, and other types of video content. They have also developed expectations like captioned video content to make it understandable even without audio. These statistics also indicate the presence of a captive audience in the digital content sphere that’s constantly looking out for fresh content. The demand for video content has become higher than ever and all the businesses using video content are sure to leave a lasting impression. 6. Dynamic video demographic The demographics of viewers indulged in video content are also changing. A Nielson research has found that consumers aged 55 and above are 26 percent more indulged in

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The Top 10 Ways Videos Will Help Your Business

What is a client story video? Video advertising has become omnipresent in 2021. It’s everywhere, over your Television, your cellphone, your local billboards, and bus displays, and practically any elsewhere it’s physically possible to upscale from static to dynamic content. If you wish to reach a large number of people today, you have to deliver your message in a way that’s informative, fun, and visually interesting all at the same time, and videos reach people in a way no other medium can. Let’s have a look at the top ten ways videos can help your business: 1. Videos Are Educational Video is probably the best tool if you want to educate people. Using videos, you can educate, explain and entertain all at once. When trying to explain something more complicated, video is an amazing way to grab interest and keep people focused while you go over the details. It also permits you to combine both audio messaging and visual cues to put your point across, capturing both visual and auditory learners and multiplying the intensity of the message you’re trying to get across. 2. Videos Are Easy to Share You’ve probably seen a lot of viral videos over the past days and weeks. How could a viral video help your business? Even if your video doesn’t go viral at once, it’s still probable to create more buzz around your content using a video than it is for written content or static images. This is mainly because videos are incredibly easy to share, and can be easily shared across multiple platforms. If you need your content to spread quickly and credibly, video is likely your best bet. 3. Videos Rank Well in Search Engines It’s just not enough to merely publish something online—more important is for people to be able to find it! Google and other search engines find videos to be highly relevant, they’re easier to rank than other articles or plain blog posts. Try adding a video to your existing blog page that you feel should be doing better, and observe how it impacts your organic traffic. We tried this for one of our popular blog pages, and it hiked to the first few pages on Google’s results in a matter of days. The conclusion? Video really works wonders for SEO! 4. Your Competitors Are Using Videos Your competitors are using video, so why not you? Don’t allow them to enjoy the benefits of using video while you lag! On the odds that your competitors haven’t started using video content yet either, being the first to adopt video into your marketing strategy is a great way to make your brand stand out. 5. Videos Are Popular Everyone nowadays loves videos. This is why YouTube alone has billions of views daily. This makes video a natural and great way to reach your audience. In a study, people expressed that they actually wanted brands to create more videos as compared to text posts or images. As easy as that–give people what they really want! 6. Videos Are Mobile-Friendly Observe all those people everywhere on their smartphones and tablets? Many of them are involved in watching videos. Recent research explains that the customer buying journey is increasingly favoring mobile devices. People nowadays use smartphones to browse products, collect data, decide which stores to visit, or even make a purchase without making a single click on a desktop or putting a foot in a physical store. Consider using videos on mobile platforms to capture this audience while they’re already planning a purchase. 7. Videos Are Cost-Effective As a marketer, you are always looking at a promotional strategy that’s affordable as well as effective. Fortunately, you need not set a huge budget to launch a professional video marketing campaign nowadays. You can create a basic video on your smartphone without any fancy equipment and still reap the benefits. Plus, once your video is created, you can share it across multiple platforms—including your own website, YouTube, Facebook, and other sites supporting video content. 8. Videos Add a Personal Touch With videos, you have the opportunity to get personal and build a face behind your brand. This authenticity goes a long way with the customers, and you get a chance to build a personal relationship rather than just selling something. As video tools become more robust, the capability to personalize content is becoming even more powerful. 9. Videos Are Permanent Once your video is online, it remains there forever. People searching for content using similar or relevant search terms can find your video months or even years from now. In this age, making a video isn’t merely a short-term measure—it can really impact the long-term success of your brand. 10. Results are Quantifiable How to ensure that your business strategies are actually working? The one way to confirm is to measure your results. With today’s analytics tools, it’s a cakewalk to track the effectiveness of your videos. You can see the number of views you get, of course, but metrics are evolving and becoming even more modular. A lot of platforms allow you to see the exact moment someone stopped watching your video, providing you valuable insights about how you can make your content more effective and tailor it according to what people want to see. When you plan to get started, reach out to us and we will help you produce and distribute the perfect videos for your business! Category Name Some title for relevant video Goes Here here Know More Mark Wonderlin Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.

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Maximizing Your Digital Marketing with Video

What is a client story video? Recent studies have shown that more than 90% of video marketers find video is a crucial part of their marketing strategy. And while marketing captures several types of inbound and outbound efforts, video is particularly effective at driving the needle for digital marketing. Today, we plan to dive deep into what is digital marketing and how you can maximize its results with video. What Is Digital Marketing? To quote the basic definition, digital marketing refers to any marketing that is done in digital channels. This includes several subsets of marketing, like SEO, PPC marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, online PR, and native advertising. A lot of people whose work revolves around these tactics might not have “digital marketing” in their job title, but the work they do contributes to an overall digital marketing strategy. Why do you need a digital marketing strategy? Firstly, the business world is moving towards becoming digital day by day. While some businesses may be able to cling on to their brick-and-mortar shops and traditional marketing efforts, the average company in 2021 just can’t make that work without involving digital elements. Having a digital presence is important, and digital marketing helps to make sure that your online efforts work in your favor. Secondly, digital marketing provides benefits that traditional marketing often doesn’t. It typically helps you connect to a wider and more targeted audience than you’d be able to do with print, out-of-home or even broadcast efforts. For these reasons, a lot of companies that call themselves more traditional still include digital marketing in their strategies. How to Use Video in Digital Marketing? Within the context of digital marketing, video is useful you can use video as the medium for just any of the tactics we mentioned above. For example, video can be used in your email marketing strategy, elevate your SEO strategy and your social media strategy, etc. What we typically refer to as a “video marketing strategy” just means involving video in a considerate and deliberate manner in your comprehensive marketing plan. Let’s discuss a few examples to talk about how video affects each one of your marketing efforts. Content Marketing/SEO While content marketing and SEO are two distinct entities, we’re combining them here because video’s advantages for content marketing affect SEO as well. In 2021, video is the most valuable player of content marketing. In a 2020 report, video was the most widely used type of marketing content, defeating longtime favorites like infographics, email, and blogging. It is possible to use videos in many places throughout a content marketing plan. Just posting a video is also content marketing. Video marketing is a part of content marketing because posting a video is ultimately sharing new content. However, video can also be mingled with other content types, the most common option being to embed video content throughout your blog posts. Viewers often admire the option to watch something alongside (or in place of) the written content, and search engines tend to reward video-supported posts with better rankings. Social Media Marketing Had you been paying attention to the social landscape over the last few years, you would have noticed that virtually every platform is leaning towards video. “Older” platforms like Facebook and Instagram have started introducing new video features and often prioritize video content in their algorithms. Options like TikTok and Instagram’s Reels feature are the representation of engaging video content. Being the second largest search engine after Google, YouTube also continues to dominate the online space. All this is to explain that your social media plan should include video content. The way the social landscape is moving, those who don’t start experimenting with video content will keep lagging. If you need to see the statistic before giving in to this concept, here are a few:According to Animoto, more than 90% of brands got a new customer because of a video on social media. Tweets with video receive 10 times more engagements than Tweets without video on Twitter. In 2020, 14-15% of all Facebook content was video. According to Animoto, YouTube replaced Facebook as the #1 platform that influences consumer behavior. Benefits of Video in Digital MarketingApart from the specific benefits, we shared for social media marketing and content marketing above, videos deliver many quantifiable benefits for businesses. Here are some of the benefits you can expect to experience after launching a successful video marketing strategy. Increased Website TrafficBrands that invest in video marketing are more likely to experience boosts in website traffic. According to Wyzowl, more than 80 percent of marketers admit that videos have helped them increase traffic to their website, and more than 80 percent of marketers say that video has increased the time people spend on their website. This is a significant percentage when you consider what it takes to attract even one additional person to your site every day or to increase that person’s activity time on your website even by a few seconds. Each touchpoint gives the consumer more details about your brand and what you have to offer to them. Lead GenerationA report by Wyzowl’s also found that more than 80 percent of marketers admit that video has helped them in lead generation. This again is a big deal. It’s easy to be impressed by statistics like these without taking time to reflect on what they mean for a business, but every new lead is a prospective source of revenue for your business. The dynamic nature of the video is basically responsible for this success of video content. It’s easy to get a consumer to watch a couple of seconds of a video, which gives you a better opportunity of attracting them than you’d have with text posts or static images. Brand AwarenessVideo is among the most crucial tools marketers have at their disposal to increase brand awareness. Consumers who are not aware of your brand are not likely to spend much time reading your brand’s content

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Tips on Creating Results-Driven Video Content for Your Law Firm

What is a client story video? Videos Are A Must If You Want Your Website To Rank Well There is unanimous agreement among online experts that video marketing is one of the core strategies that should be integrated to make the effective digital marketing plan more effective. This is applicable to almost every industry, but it is especially true for law firms. People come across various types of legal trouble, and these days, the first place they search on and try to make sense of their legal issues and get a solution is the internet. Before contacting an attorney, the typical legal consumers will want to read as much as possible for them about the issue that they are dealing with to at least have a basic understanding of it, and to know what questions to ask a lawyer when they finally contact one. Attorneys and law firms that take the time to produce content that answers consumers’ questions stand out from their competitors by sharing free information with the public and demonstrating their knowledge of the law. Done correctly, video marketing will drive targeted prospects to your web properties, a certain percentage of which should become clients. This is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow your legal practice. Developing an effective video marketing strategy is not really that complicated. However, it does require a time commitment and consistency. If you are willing to put in the time, then you can turn video marketing into a winning strategy that will grow your clientele. The traffic will fluctuate your first, but if you stick to it, your website visits will start to multiply, and you will produce successful long-term results. To help ensure that you involve a good video, here are six steps to follow: Research your Audience It is very important to understand are you going to present the video to and what is the purpose of the video. Primarily, a law firm video is made for legal consumers (as opposed to other attorneys, etc.) because they are the ones who are your potential clients. So, when you prepare to create video for them, put yourself in their shoes and think about what they are facing and what do they need from your video. The best kind video is the one that connects with your audience and addresses their concerns. For example, someone who injured in a car accident is likely to be stressed about the medical bills they have to pay, and how long it will take to resolve their legal claim. Researching and identifying your target audience and understanding what they are concerned about will help you a great deal to produce content that is compelling and engaging. This will help you establish an emotional connection with them and have them interested in what you have to say. Write for Topics over Keywords You might have heard a lot about search engine optimization (SEO) and its role in getting your content found on the Web. Ranking for keywords that your target audience is using to make its search on the Internet is one of the major goals of creating and employing a video content, but you should never compromise on the quality of your video for this purpose. The best approach for creating legal video content is to choose topics that your target audience cares about. One way to do this would be to make a list of the most frequently asked questions you get from your clients and create videos that address these queries. You could also research places like Google search suggestions and Quora to find some common questions that are being asked. Create videos about topics that are relevant to your target audience, and do not worry as much about keyword phrases. If your content discusses their most important issues, the search engines will reward you for that and your posts will be ranked better. Make your Content Coherent and Understandable As an attorney, you need to project a professional image for you and your firm. You need to ensure that the video you create flows smoothly and is engaging. At the same time, make sure that it is not overly technical. Bear in mind that much of your audience is not familiar with a lot of the legal terms that are part of your everyday vocabulary. While creating a legal video that is geared toward average consumers, your job is to make complex legal concepts understandable and easy for your target audience. Make your Content Informative and Useful Your viewers should be able to comprehend your content and find it informative, interesting, and useful. Undoubtedly, your end goal is for them to contact you and become a client, but you should not be continually trying to sell that within your video. Rather, give your viewers practical information that they can take away from the video and put to use, so they consider them worthy of devoting their time to. Show Yourself as an Authority Avoid talking too much about your firm and rather, try to display your expertise by discussing the legal topic and providing helpful information to the viewers. Within your video, show viewers your in-depth knowledge on the subject. This will aid establish your firm as an authority in your area of practice, which builds trust among your target audience and makes them more likely to convert. Include a CTA You should end your video with an appropriate call-to-action. This will help you make the viewers take action as desired by you and contribute to lead generation. About Us Now this is our call to action. We know that for a lot of attorneys, planning and creating video content and other types of digital marketing can seem next to impossible. And this is where we come in. We specialize in helping law firms plan, implement and create the best video marketing strategy. We work with lawyers and legal practitioners in whatever capacity they need us. For some, we simply

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