Mosaic Media Films


“Client has the final say!”

While this simple byword is something that the businesses stand by, it points at a greater fact that the customers’ opinions are highly regarded and what they say about your brand shapes the success of your brand.

Let’s look at it this way. Suppose you are one of those brands that have some happy customers that feel proud to buy with you. Most often they are ignored after they make purchases and the brands focus more on conversion and driving new sales and attracting new customers. If you follow this approach, then we would suggest you change the way you work.

Happy customers are the key to your success. A customer testimonial is the most powerful and underused marketing tool. If used to its full potential, it can work wonders for your brand.

Read on to understand how to put them to use.


What does Customer Testimonial Video mean?

Customer Testimonial Video is a brief account of your happy customers where they express how your products/services improved their lives, how the buying process was, or how satisfied they are with your brand.


Why use Testimonial Videos?

Customer Testimonials are highly effective. When presented before the right customers at the right time, they can have a huge positive impact on brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately, sales!

But why is it so? Customer Testimonials are real-life proofs, they take advantage of the fact that we are influenced by the opinions and actions of people.

Do you think you are not influenced by social proofs? Give it a second thought! Did you purchase something online without checking the reviews lately? Or, have you not shared your positive shopping experience with others ever? Whether or not the quality of testimonials is well deserved, we do tend to give it a try if the brand is backed by some social proof.

You might be comparing the effect of customer testimonial with the marketing endeavors of your team mates. But you cannot ignore the fact that we tend to believe our friends more than the people who have a stake in the brand’s success.

You might see the CEO of your business promoting your brand as the most accurate marketing technique but it lacks the most important aspect that is credibility. The audience is smart enough to differentiate between fake and genuine purchase experiences. And considering today’s marketing scenario, credibility and authenticity are the most important aspects that interest the audience.

At first, it might seem like a burden on the customers to ask for testimonials but when you look at the other side of the coin, it gives an impression that you value your customers and their opinions more than anything else. It feels like you’re giving it back to your customers regarding their views and feedback.

Once they share their testimonial, they’ll be more inclined towards your brand and then they’re more likely to put forth a good worth-of-mind about you. However, do not think of “giving back” to your customers by offering incentives because it might present a negative image of your business.

While inviting testimonials from customers, try to make it as diverse as possible. Include different age, gender, demographics, and people from different industries to make the testimonials seem relatable to the viewers. According to Google, more than 65 percent of people liked videos from “people like me”. This very well explains the importance of showcasing diverse real-life experiences.

What to include in your testimonial videos?

When you plan to start with the content, the first question is how you want your video to look. Do you intend to focus on a single customer in a video or include multiple customers in a single video? How long will your video be? What will be the tone of the video?

The number of customers to be included depends on your choice but the duration should essentially be in the range of 30-90 seconds. If it is any shorter, it is insufficient to put across the whole story. On the other hand, if it is any longer, it will fail to retain the viewer’s attention.

Once you have made these decisions, it’s about time to prepare with your customers. It is advised to present a context or guidance to your customers without giving out a script or specific talking points. Below are some prompting questions you can put up to your customers to provide a natural flow to the video:

  •   What made you choose us from among our competitors? What is your opinion makes us stand out from the crowd?
  •   What solution has our products/services offered to you for the problems you were experiencing? How satisfied are you with the solution?
  •   Can you share the details of your purchase experience with us? How was your experience working with our team?
  •   What is the feeling you get when you use our products/services?
  •   Can you give us some data on how our products/services changed your life? Did it save you time or money or both?


Apart from these points, let the customers put forth their own words and emotions. If the customers speak from their hearts, it will give you an insight into their true experiences with your brand. It might present a new aspect or usage of your products that have not been noticed by your team yet.


This will present you with valuable opportunities to learn about the experience you’re providing to customers and also incorporate them into your future marketing endeavors.


Where to place customer testimonial videos?

The most beautiful aspect of Customer Testimonial Videos is that they are independent of the platforms they’re being shared on. The most common placement of Testimonial Videos is on your website or social media platforms but you can also think differently and play them on-screen at your physical stores or email them to your leads.


Testimonial Videos are the most effective during the buyer’s ‘consideration’ phase or when they’re comparing your brand with others before making the final purchase decision. Testimonial Videos can be the most important variable that tilts the decision in your favor. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Take into account what the ‘consideration’ phase means to your audience and how you can use it in your favor while deciding about distribution channels.



Testimonial content helps you build a bridge between your satisfied customers and prospective customers. They think and speak alike and existing customers put the final icing on the cake by influencing the customer decision at the last moment.


Now that we’ve shared our tips with you, it’s your turn to get on the train and prepare a beautiful Testimonial Video for your customers.

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Book a Free Strategy Session

We offer an array of different “Types of Videos” such as Customer Stories, Service Videos, FAQs, Animation Videos, Voice- Over Videos, Animation, all of which will help you leverage your online marketing and help create higher engagement, clicks, calls, opt-ins, and conversion.

Give a call and let us strategize on how we can create the right series of videos that you can utilize with your marketing.

mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.