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If you’re about to go on camera, you’re probably wondering about whether or not to use a teleprompter to deliver your stories in a way that’s reflective of you, your company, and your brand.

Using a teleprompter can definitely make things easier on you, but if you’re unfamiliar with the technology, you might come off as rehearsed or robotic. Since viewers want you to appear natural and human, sounding this way can drive them off.

At the end of the day, it’s all about finding what works best for you and your company — and after we dive into the pros and cons of the teleprompter together, you’ll be well on your way to a successful on-screen reading.

The Pros

It can definitely seem nerve-wracking being behind the lens, especially if you’re constantly worrying about what you have to say next — but using a teleprompter can help with that.

Pro #1: You Don’t Have to Worry About What to Say

Teleprompters take the fear of not knowing what to say out of the equation by putting your words right in front of you, allowing you to stay focused on the topic at hand while guaranteeing all your points will be covered. You can finally wave goodbye to that pesky bedtime ritual of remembering something you should’ve said earlier and get a great night’s sleep knowing you were an on-screen superstar!

Pro #2: Teleprompters Help Control Your Speaking Speed

Using a teleprompter can also help you control your speaking speed. If you’re someone who talks fast when they’re nervous, you might want to consider going this route — or at least trying it out!

A stress-free, authentic, and easy delivery all sound great, but as in life, there’s always a Yin to a Yang.

The Cons
A teleprompter isn’t a shortcut or a quick fix.

It’s a tool, and like any tool, it comes with a bit of a learning curve. That’s okay, though — we read the instruction manual!

Con #1: Teleprompter Can Make You Appear Unnatural and Stiff

Without the proper preparation, and especially if it’s your first time, reading off a teleprompter can make you appear unnatural and stiff. Even though it’s great to not have to worry about your words, your viewers want you to seem authentic and human, and you risk losing audience engagement if you come off as robotic and rehearsed.

Con #2: Teleprompters Are Not a Quick Fix

Think using a teleprompter means you don’t have to practice? Think again!

You should definitely still prepare beforehand, but rather than trying to memorize your lines, focus instead on getting yourself comfortable with the technology and speaking naturally about yourself and your company.

Con #3: You Might Not Sound Like You

Going the teleprompter route is only effective if you tailor what’s on screen to your speech patterns. It has to sound like you, so even if you don’t write your own scripts, show off your personal spin with some edits and tweaks.

Con #4: Teleprompter Operator Complications

You’ve also got to ensure that your teleprompter operator is scrolling at a speed that suits you. If they’re going too fast or too slow, your word flow will reflect that. This one’s an easy fix, however — you can always ask them to change pace if it’ll make you more comfortable.

Using a teleprompter is definitely a personal preference, but it might work better for some brands compared to others. Let’s dive in and see what we find!

How to Cater Teleprompter Use to Your Brand

Your viewers are here to learn about you and your company. As such, the way you present your information speaks volumes about your values.

If your brand and company values are centered around professionalism, sophistication, and acting as an expert on relevant topics, then using a teleprompter can help you get your information across in the poised yet non-robotic manner your viewers want to see.

On the other hand, if your company’s personality lies more in the range of carefree, casual, and fun-loving, then using a teleprompter might not be for you because your audience is looking for a conversational, personal, and human tone.

The easiest way for you to decide what’s best for you is to try it for yourself!

Download some applications to help you out, turn to a trusted friend or family member for some feedback, and you’ll be ready to give an on-screen reading that’s authentic to you, your company, and your viewers — teleprompter or not.

Let’s Stay in Touch!

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mark Mosaic Media Films

Mark Wonderlin is the visionary founder of Mosaic Media Films. He is passionate about crafting creative business videos that captivate and convert. Mark and his team stand out by creating visually stunning videos and ensuring they align seamlessly with the client’s broader marketing objectives.